

焦點禮品 Focus Gift 贈品設計及禮品設計公司提供嶄新與獨特設計的禮品配合貴公司的宣傳策略;而且不停引入極具吸引力和競爭力的產品加入贈品及禮品名單。焦點禮品 Focus Gift 亦是一間禮品設計公司,專注於企業禮品設計,以及各類商務贈品設計、產品設計、產品開發,可以為你開發獨家的創新禮品,並提供採購及生產等一站式宣傳禮品、企業禮品服務✨。


👉本公司經驗豐富,產品成功率極高,歡迎初創企業(Startup)合作開發創新科技產品。我們近年亦致力協助各院校推動 STEM 創科教育,製作教學道具,創科發明,激發學生創意思維。






Are you struggling with sourcing corporate gifts?


Our brand-new and uniquely designed gifts perfectly complement your company’s promotional strategy. We keep our gift catalogue fresh by constantly introducing highly appealing and competitive products. What is more – you can count on us to tailor-make exclusive, brand-new products for your company.


We pride ourselves in setting the quality bar high, and have dedicated personnel monitoring plant production processes, packaging processes and fulfilment arrangements. Just sit back and relax after making an order, and quality gifts will be delivered right to your doorstep!


☎️查詢熱線: (852) 2417 1744    ✉️查詢電郵:da2010@gmail.com 



